Microsoft Office Templates Status Reports

StatusMicrosoft Office Templates Status Reports

If you are planning to make a status report in Microsoft Word, we made a list that will help you with the task. Reassure this list of steps are easy to follow and simple. Also, check out some of our status report templates on our website. Here's the list of guidelines in making a status report in Microsoft Word. Prepare Everything You Need. Free Incident Report Form Template Download. The report goes about as a defensive archive for an individual or business if somebody inside the worksite is discovered straightforwardly in charge of the occurrence in question. Document Your Work Incidents with Free Report Templates. Demonstrate the date and the season of the episode. . We appreciate your participation in MS Forums, Help us understand your needs better. To share your valuable Feedback please Click here.

Check Microsoft Office Status

Project Status Reports

MS Excel is a tool of choice when it comes to project status reporting for a number of reasons. Status reports often require conditional formatting, budget calculations, and numbers to be auto-calculated. MS Excel provides an easy and convenient way of making reports readable.
Project Status Report Template Excel

Why use MS Excel for project status reporting?

  • Excel allows using formulas and macros which can be used populate data in columns. It allows graphs and chart which can be used to create project schedules and Gantt charts.
  • Status reports tend to have layouts which are blocked or categorized based on the project KPIs that need to be reported. For example – Project Schedule, Budget, Resources, Timeline, Risks, Issues and actions items.
  • One of the most widely used techniques in status reporting is RAG (Red Amber Green) to indicate how the project is progressing. Please read RAG reporting to find out how you can use it in your project.
  • Traffic lights are a natural way of reporting status. Excel provides calculation options which are easy to use and will help in implementing an automated traffic light system based on the updates.
  • Conditional formatting is the most useful feature for status reporting. With the help of conditional formatting, we can implement Risk Scores, Project Scores, Thresholds and most of the other tolerance levels.
  • Excel data or graphs can easily be integrated into other MS Office or online dashboard tools.
  • Excel allows references so it easy to have data in one tab and display the summary or overall view in another. For example, you can a have a list of risks in a separate tab and just show the total risks in a different tab.

Microsoft Office Status Update

Project Status Report Example

Microsoft Word Status Report Template

Microsoft Office Templates Status Reports

Microsoft Office Annual Report Template

One Page Excel Status Report Template (Landscape version)
One Page Excel Status Report Template
  • This excel template even though one page is very comprehensive and covers all the key progress indicators.
  • The status report has a project summary which is a free-form update, a project schedule which covers project phases with progress and end date for each phase.
  • It also lays emphasis on tasks management by covering – what tasks were planned, what was completed and what are planned for the next period.
  • There is a project budget section which can accommodate up to 8 – 10 subcategories for financials tracking.
  • For each subcategory tracked you can report on the forecast and actual funding.
  • The template can also cover up to 3 risks or issues at the end.
  • See our One Page Excel Status Report Template.

Weekly Status Report Template Excel
  • The portrait version is similar to landscape version in terms of coverage but allows additional data to be captured and uses additional graphics to make the report readable.
  • The status report has a health card section which captures the health of key project parameters like schedule, resources, risks, issues etc.
  • For each of the parameters, the report has a RAG status and comment column to explain the status.
  • The report also covers the schedule for key project phases with start, finish, projected date, progress, and concerns flag to indicate if there are any concerns.
  • The status report captures budget with planned, actual and variance.
  • You can report top 5 risks or issues and the report also has a graphical presentation of risks and issues.
  • It also graphically shows the number of pending items for change requests, action and other items.
  • See our Weekly Status Report Excel Template.

Agile Project Status Report Excel Template
  • The following KPI is measured in the budget used(%) vs sprint completion(%) which tells the % of budget utilized to complete the work required in the sprint.
  • The remaining days vs planned shows how much work is remaining vs how time the team needs to completes the work.
  • Overall earned value shows the overall value earned value for the sprint. Risk Matrix – measures the severity of the risks in the Sprint.
  • See our Agile Project Status Report Template Excel.
Excel Portfolio Status Report – for multiple projects
Excel Portfolio Status Report
  • The report shows a portfolio delivery road map for all the projects in the portfolio. Report covers status and financials are a portfolio level by reporting on each of the active projects.
  • For each project, you can set RAG status on schedule, budget, resources, and risk. For financing, it can report on planned, actual, forecast and variance.
  • The portfolio report also has the capability of reporting on individual projects for key project phases with start, end, progress, status and top 5 risks with RAG status for each.
  • The report also shows the overall status of the portfolio for schedule, budget, resources and risk.
  • See our Portfolio Status Report for Multiple Projects.

RAG Status Reporting Excel Template
RAG Status Reporting Excel Template
  • While this does not qualify as a status report it is still a worthwhile read so that you understand the importance of RAG statues in project management reporting.
  • While very basic the RAG can have a profound impact on the readers and can deliver a very strong or wrong message depending on how you use it.
  • Reading this article will help you understand the different KPI to which RAG is applied. This article also focuses on different scenarios in which RAG statues make sense.
  • See our RAG Status Report Template.