In stock definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. In stock definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation.
One third of all food production is being wasted. Sustainable Development Goal 12.3 asks to reduce food waste with 50% bij 2030, because food waste has an enormous impact on our environment. At the zero waste hierarchy above, you will find a list of ways to value residual flows, ordered from best (avoiding food waste) to worse (dumping it). Besides this zero waste hierachy, you will find a chart that shows how much food the different participants in the food chain are wasting. Underneath, we will describe per participant how much food is being wasted and why it happens.
One third of all food production is being wasted. Sustainable Development Goal 12.3 asks to reduce food waste with 50% bij 2030, because food waste has an enormous impact on our environment. At the zero waste hierarchy above, you will find a list of ways to value residual flows, ordered from best (avoiding food waste) to worse (dumping it). Free download total video converterupstart. Besides this zero waste hierachy, you will find a chart that shows how much food the different participants in the food chain are wasting. Underneath, we will describe per participant how much food is being wasted and why it happens.
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