Gibson Guitar Serial Number Check

Gibson serial numbers 1952 to 1961, solidbody model

Contact the Gibson Guitar Corporation itself. The serial number will be an 8 digit number impressed into the back of the headstock with “MADE IN USA” below. The pattern is as follows: YDDDYRRR YY is the production year DDD is the day of the year RRR is the factory ranking/plant designation number.

Conversely, it is of course no guarantee whether the guitar is real, as a serial number is easy to copy. Example of a Gibson serial number: A real serial number is stamped dark on the back of the headstock. A fake serial number is usually in white. Brands such as Gibson, Fender, PRS or other renowned brands also issue a certificate of authenticity, but this can also be used for fraud. Gibson Enter Serial Number eg. 81232560 The Gibson Serial Number Decoder currently supports 6 formats from 4 Factories. For guitars made prior to 1977 use the extended search function. One is the manufacturers id code with date, and another is the Gibson part number. The manufacturers code has six (1950s) or seven digits, starting with 137 (CTS) or 134 (Centralab), and ending in format y/ww or yy/ww where y is the year, and w is the week of the year. For more information on Gibson (and other) pot codes, see Reading Pot Codes. The serial number for your guitar should be on the back of the neck at the top just between and above the tuning machines. Take a look- if your serial number is more than 6 digits then your guitar is no earlier than 1976. 6 digits or less and ink stamped: Is your serial number ink stamped like the 1957 Gibson Les Paul Special above?

A number stamped with ink on the back of the headstock.
Gibson's solid bodys were released in 1952. Gibson did not use serial numbers at that time but started in 1953.
The first digit of the series number is the last digit of the year. If the stamped number consists of 5 digits, there is a space between the first and second digit (a separation between the last digit of the year and the actual serial number).
If it concerns a 6-digit serial number, there is no space, because the highest 4-digit number (9999) has been exceeded and the space therefore fills up. This was the case in the years 1955, 1956, 1959 and 1960.
In 1955, Gibson forgot to reset the series of serial numbers to 0001.
So they had only set the year from 4 to 5. For this reason the series of 4 digit serial numbers was exceeded after 9999.
Hence 5 digits and no space between the year (5) and the serial number. (after 5 9999 came 510 000)
Apparently the production was high in 1956 because 6 9999 is exceeded. Also in 1959 and 1960 there was a high production, 9 9999 is exceeded to 932 000 or higher.
Thus, from the production in 1959, a 1, 2 or 3 may be the second digit.
Gibson stopped the stamped serial numbers at the end of 1960, although a few instruments were made in 1961 with a 1 as a prefix. Some lap steels and Les Paul's from 1961 have such a serial number.
Another exception to the above rules is in the fall of 1958, where some Les Paul Juniors and Specials had a four-digit serial number.

None 1952
3 1953
5 1955
6 1956
7 1957
8 At the end of 1958, a number of LP Juniors/Specials had a four-digit serial number without a prior annual digit1958
9 1959
0 1960
1 (rare)1961

Gibson serial numbers, from February 1961 until 1970
Gibson started in 1961 with a new series numbering system.
They wanted to apply a more structured series of sequences, but in practice the opposite happened. Numbers were reused during this period, and in many cases the numbers were not strictly applied for successive years.
For all models, the serial number is stamped on the back of the headstock. A number of serial numbers were duplicated from 1963
to 1969.
From this period the 5-digit and 6-digit numbers are easy to confuse and give an incorrect year.

0100 - 424401961
42441 - 611801962
61450 - 642221963
64240 - 710401964
71041 - 96600 1962 (some 1963 and 1964)
96601 - 999991963
000001 - 0999991967 (all 6-digit numbers starting with 0. are 1967)
100000 - 1060991963 or 1967
106100 - 1068991963
109000 - 1099991963 or 1967
110000 - 111549 1963
111550 - 115799 1963 or 1967
115800 - 1182991963
118300 - 1209991963 or 1967
121000 - 1399991963
140000 - 1401001963 or 1967
140101 - 1443041963
144305 - 1443801964
144381 - 1498641963
149865 - 1498911964
149892 - 1529891963
152990 - 1742221964
174223 - 1766431964 or 1965
176644 - 2503351964
250336 - 3059831965
306000 - 3109991965 or 1967
311000 - 3201491965
320150 - 3206991967
320700 - 3291791965
329180 - 3301991965 or 1967
330200 - 3322401965, 1967 or 1968
332241 - 3480921965
348093 - 3491001966
349121 - 3686381965
368640 - 3698901966
370000 - 3709991967
380000 - 3853091966
390000 - 3909981967
400001 - 4066661966
406667 - 4096701966 - 1968
409671 - 4109001966
410901 - 419999(niet bekend)
420000 - 4291931966
500000 - 5009991965, 1966, 1968 or 1969
501009 - 5016001965
501601 - 5017021968
501703 - 5027061965 or 1968
503010 - 5031091968
503405 - 5209551965 or 1968
520956 - 5300561968
530061 - 5308501966, 1968 or 1969
530851 - 5309931968 or 1969
530994 - 5399991969
540000 - 5407951966 or 1969
540796 - 5450091969
555000 - 5579991966
558000 - 5674001969
570087 - 5706431966
570645 - 5707551966 or 1967
570857 - 5709641966
580000 - 5800801969
580086 - 5809991966, 1967 or 1969
600000 - 6009981966, 1967, or 1968 (low end models)
600000 - 6060901969 (high end models)
700000 - 7007991966, 1967 or 1969
750000 - 7509991966, 1967 or 1969
800000 - 8009991966, 1967, 1968 or 1969
801000 - 8128381966 or 1969
812900 - 8199991969
820000 - 8200871966 or 1969
820088 - 8238301966
824000 - 8249991969
828002 - 8474881966 or 1969
847499 - 8589991966 or 1969
859001 - 8919991967
892000 - 8969991968
897000 - 8989991967 or 1969
899000 - 8999991968
900000 - 9099991970
910000 - 9999991968

Posted on October 12 2019

Vintage Gibson Les Paul guitars are simple to date if you understand the complex way that Gibson assigned serial numbers to guitars. That's a tall order! If you're looking for 'How old is my Gibson Les Paul guitar?' then you've come to the right place.

Need help? I'd be happy to take a look at your guitar. Click the red Contact Me button in the lower right corner of your screen to send me information about your guitar. I'm looking forward to checking it out!

The serial number for your guitar should be on the back of the neck at the top just between and above the tuning machines. Take a look- if your serial number is more than 6 digits then your guitar is no earlier than 1976.

6 digits or less and ink stamped:

Is your serial number ink stamped like the 1957 Gibson Les Paul Special above? Gibson used 5 or 6 digit ink stamped serial numbers on Les Paul guitars from 1952 until 1960. The first digit of this style serial number indicates the last digit of the year it was manufactured. For example, this Les Paul's serial number is '7_6227' so it was made in 1957.

Do you have a Gibson Les Paul with an ink stamped serial number? I would love to see it. Click the Contact Me button in the corner of your browser or reach out to me at the Sell My Vintage Gibson Guitar page.

6 digits or less and impressed on the back of the headstock:

Gibson used the 6 digits or less impressed serial number style from 1961 until 1975. Gibson guitars with 'MADE IN USA' impressed below the serial were made from 1969 and on. If your guitar has 6 digits impressed on the headstock and a 'MADE IN USA' underneath then it was likely made between 1969 and 1975. Gibson reused serial numbers during this time period so that's as close as we can narrow these guitars down without reading the potentiometer codes. Here's an example of that style.Lookup

Needing help yet? I'd love to check out your guitar. I'm always looking to buy clean examples of vintage Gibson Les Paul guitars. You can send a message to me by clicking the Contact Me button in the lower right corner of your screen. I'm looking forward to seeing it!

3 to 6 digit serial number impressed with no 'Made In USA':

Your guitar, if vintage, was made between 1961 and 1969. Serial number ranges here can be tricky since Gibson reused the serial range multiple times through out the 1960s. You would probably benefit from having a professional take a look at your guitar. I would love to take a look. Click the Contact Me Button (lower right of your browser) to send me a message about your guitar. Here's a list of the possible years of manufacture for different serial number ranges:

100 ------ 42440 1961

42441---- 61180 1962

61450 --- 64222 1963

64240 --- 71040 1964

71041 --- 96600 1962, 1963, or 1964

96601 --- 99999 1963

000001 - 099999 1967

100000 - 106099 1963 or 1967

106100 - 106899 1963

109000 - 109999 1963 or 1967

110000 - 111549 1963

111550 - 115799 1963 or 1967

115800 - 118299 1963

118300 - 120999 1963 or 1967

121000 - 139999 1963

140000 - 140100 1963 or 1967

140101 - 144304 1963

144305 - 144380 1964

144381 - 149864 1963

149865 - 149891 1964

149892 - 152989 1963

152990 - 174222 1964

174223 - 176643 1964 or 1965

176644 - 250335 1964

250336 - 305983 1965

306000 - 310999 1965 or 1967

311000 - 320149 1965

320150 - 320699 1967

320700 - 329179 1965

329180 - 330199 1965 or 1967

330200 - 332240 1965, 1967 or 1968

332241 - 348092 1965

348093 - 349100 1966

349121 - 368638 1965

368640 - 369890 1966

370000 - 370999 1967

380000 - 385309 1966

390000 - 390998 1967

400001 - 406666 1966

406667 - 409670 1966 to 1968

409671 - 410900 1966

410901 - 419999 unknown

420000 - 429193 1966

500000 - 500999 1965, 1966, 1968, or 1969

501009 - 501600 1965

501601 - 501702 1968

501703 - 502706 1965 or 1968

503010 - 503109 1968

503405 - 520955 1965 or 1968

520956 - 530056 1968

530061 - 530850 1966, 1968, or 1969

530851 - 530993 1968 or 1969

530994 - 539999 1969

540000 - 540795 1966 or 1969

540796 - 545009 1969

555000 - 557999 1966

558000 - 567400 1969

570087 - 570643 1966

570645 - 570755 1966 or 1967

570857 - 570964 1966

Pdf converter mac full. download freebackstage. 580000 - 580080 1969

580086 - 580999 1966, 1967 or 1969

600000 - 600998 low end models, 1966, 1967, or 1968

600000 - 606090 high end models, 1969

700000 - 700799 1966, 1967 or 1969

750000 - 750999 1968 or 1969

800000 - 800999 1966, 1967, 1968 or 1969

801000 - 812838 1966 or 1969

812900 - 819999 1969

820000 - 820087 1966 or 1969

820088 - 823830 1966

824000 - 824999 1969

Gibson Guitar Serial Numbers And Value

828002 - 847488 1966 or 1969

847499 - 858999 1966 or 1969

859001 - 895038 1967

895039 - 896999 1968

Gibson Guitar Serial Number Check

897000 - 898999 1967 or 1969

899000 - 899999 1968

900000 - 909999 1970

Gibson Acoustic Serial Numbers

910000 - 999999 1968

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