Introduction to business law: 1. Introduction to business law. By Lucy Jones, (Lecturer in law). Fifth edition: Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press 2. Introduction to business law: 2. Introduction to business law. By Lucy Jones Print book: English. Business Law 5th Edition by Morgan and Publisher BVT Publishing. Save up to 80% by choosing the eTextbook option for ISBN: 425,. The print version of this textbook is ISBN.
The sixth edition of Guide to Business Law offers a clear, practical and contemporary introduction to the basic principles of commercial law, addressing a broad spectrum of content which includes all modern aspects of the field. The sixth edition is updated and revised, and is more concise and accessible than ever before. Extensive examples, case illustrations and assessment materials are provided to enhance understanding and facilitate practical application.
- The text's approach is simple, concise and accessible: this makes it particularly well-suited to courses which adopt a less detailed approach.
- The text offers a helpful pedagogical structure: objectives, clear chapter structure, tables, highlighted cases, diagrams, flow charts and a glossary.
- A rich bank of assessment resources is available, and the 6th edition offers a substantial collection of automatic self-assessment resources.